Team Senior's Ongoing Battle to Protect Seniors
It was nothing short of an honor to be asked to co-present with the Department of Human Services at the 2018 Home and Community Based Services Conference in Baltimore, Maryland. Team Senior is proud of the work and mountains that we have helped to move in Oregon: developing and helping to pass legislation, making Oregon the first state in the nation to require registration and oversight in our industry. Necessary from our perspective, as we service very vulnerable adults at especially vulnerable times in their life and we could easily see, in our own backyard none the less, how folks were being exploited and taken advantage of.
It our objective, as active participants in our state association, the Oregon Senior Referral Agency Association (OSRAA), and executive board members with our national association - the National Placement and Referral Alliance (NPRA) - to protect and serve our aging population, while ensuring that our neighbors and partners are doing the same.
We are in our fourth year of business now, and while it feels so new, we are thrilled to be on the front lines fighting for you, and your family, and every other aging adult in our country.
If you are interested in learning more about what we have accomplished in Oregon, please look into House Bill 2661 from the 2016/17 session, and if you’d like to learn more about our national initiatives, please look up We are battling this from many angles, including but not limited to national companies that attempt to provide services without ever having met you, claiming contractual ownership over you once they collect your name.
When the time comes, we may be seeking your assistance, so please stay tuned!